Hi all. I am age 62 and was happily married to Irene for 27 years until her untimely death on March 24th, 2012. I have 3 children, 2 sons, 1 daughter, and 1 grandson, 3 granddaughters, My hobby and favorite past time for 27 years as of October 16, 2023 is "Amateur Radio", better known as Ham Radio.
I make friends all over the world using voice, digital, and International Morse Code. CW (Morse Code) is my favorite mode!
I saw this story posted on the blog of IV3JVH, only it was in Italian, so I thought I would convert it to English and post it to my blog with the permission of IV3 JVH Emanuleof course! Marconi is one of my radio heroes although I give credit for the invention of radio to Nikola Tesla.
Guglielmo Marconi story
Born25 April 1874in Bologna, Italy
his villa in Pontecchio, at Bologna, he discovered that by connecting a
generator of electrical oscillations in a wire isolated in the air
(antenna) and the earth, was obtained by an efficient radiator of
electric waves and that these waves could be detected at a distance about 2 km from a receiver connected to it as well a wire isolated in the air (antenna) and the earth.
Marconi for young, had suffered the clearest insights of the great convenience and possible future of his invention. But also realized the need for large financial resources for the development of new communication system he devised. He
therefore went to February 2, 1896 in London, accompanied by his
mother, who, by their own relatives, gave him the presentation of the
chief engineer of the Post Office in London, Sir William Preece.
the spring of 1897, Marconi demonstrated the ability to communicate at a
distance of about 4 km Salisbury (England), a distance that a little
later was increased to 15 km. Developed
'then a competition between the governments of the great nations of
Marconi to get a practical demonstration of its new system of
The Italian Government, on the initiative of the Secretary of the Navy B.Brin, begged M. ritornre of Italy in order to perform experiments in radio-telegraphy on ships of the Royal Marina. Marconi
joined the invitation and in 1897 gave practical demonstrations of his
invention prior to Rome and then on R.Nave San Martino in La Spezia, by
means of which he felt the chance to telegraph at a distance of about 18
these first practical demonstrations generously given by Marconi with
full confidence and above all in the interest of communications for the
safety of life at sea, were built in a short time at the great nations
new associates with the Marconi Company, founded in 1897 in England, or competing with it.
and unexpected obstacles that were opposed to the development of
Marconi's invention: the high mountains, the curvature of the earth, the
sun, the interference between close stations, the atmospheric
electrical discharges, etc.., Which appeared in principle insurmountable
obstacles the rapid and practical development of wireless telegraphy.
obstacles They provided powerful elements to justify the coldness of
the government after an initial period of enthusiasm, skepticism of the
technicians, the distrust of financiers. But
Marconi managed to win brilliantly and tenaciously, with subsequent
refinements, all obstacles oppostigli by nature and by man.
1,898 M. Create
the first wireless apparatus with syntonic circuits to ensure the
independence of contemporary communications more nearby stations (patent
1,899 established
the first radiotelegraph communications, despite the curvature of the
earth, between stations at a distance of about 300 km., ie between S:
Catherine the Isle of Wight and Cape Lizard in Cornwall.
1,901 In
December demonstrates for the first time the possibility of
transmitting telegraph signals across the Atlantic between Polchu
(England) and St. John's, Newfoundland. This success confirms entirely the opinion of M. already expressed after connecting Cape Lizard - S. Catherine,
that the electric waves would not have been arrested by the curvature
of the earth and that they could be transmitted to any distance on our
planet. This view, in contrast to all existing theories, was strenuously opposed by leading scientists.
1,902 February. M. discovers
a fact, which became common knowledge, and that is that, with waves of
about 1000 m., the transmission range is much greater at night than
during the day. Following
the first wing radio-electric transmission accomplished by the Atlantic
Ocean and the resulting value taken from their patents, M. wrote to the Secretary of the Navy in Rome that he granted the R. Italian
government on free use of its patents and the free play of his
equipment in the arsenals of the state in the interest of Italian
military radio communications.
1,902 July-December: R.N. Carlo Alberto experiences the magnetic detector
1,903 radiotelegraph communications between the United States and England The two main applications: Radio-maritime services for public safety at sea liner
1,904 property directives of horizontal antennas first applications of diode Fleming
1,907 inaugurates the first regular public radiotelegraph between Europe and America
1,909 first dramatic rescue in high-Atlantic collision between the steamships Republic and Florida. Special laws are enacted to make it compulsory installation of radio stations on board ships.
1,912 Titanic sinks in The
Marconi system was officially adopted by England for the imperial
telegraph network meant to connect England with all of its colonies.
1,914 first applications of vacuum tubes in the transmitters and radio-first. During World War Marconi participates as an officer, before the Army and then the Navy.
1,916 in Genoa resumed his studies on the shortwave. Parabolic reflector.
1,924 first voice transmission from England to Australia
1,927 Merger of the company with the company Marconi cable English.
1,933 In the presence of Pope Pius XI inaugurated the microwave link between the Vatican City and Castel Gandolfo.
the history of science and its applications can not remember another
inventor who, like Marconi, after realizing his invention, it is always
kept at the head of the development of it, and he has personally
directed the main applications around the globe. For this purpose has been particularly advantageous the great activity and the particular initiative of M. move quickly in the most distant countries eseguirele his experiences ...
with comfortable sun laboratory experiments the radio would never have progressed.
Marconihasso farcrossedtheAtlantic87 timesand finished in1933. Marconi died in 1937.
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